Monday, 12 July 2010

How am I feeling - - -

20-40 hrs:
I have not reported on how my health feels since June 2nd. I had then been feeling very breathless - but had improved a lot after getting  treatment from the GP. I have since then written about all the nice things in life - even work on the U3A website. I have - somewhat typically of my behaviour of late - chosen to ignore the innards when writing here. I did promise myself not to do this - but really old gaffers are nicer and easier to photograph.

I did actually feel quite well for a  while and the  breathlessness reduced after I used a Salbutimol inhaler and took antihistamine. I had a spirometry lung function test in late June - which suggested that I might be reacting to pollen etc and I started on another inhaler. I then rushed around on the river (as reported in earlier blogs), went out again all day Thursday (LookFar does sail well)  and did a lot of web site work - - but got to feel gradually worse - even more breathless, with annoying indigestion. 

And now - - just as bad as the end of last week - - . Have I 'overdone' it in some ghastly way -? And also - I wonder whether, maybe, the effect of the current treatment (vinorelbine) is beginning to wear off. This does not - as you might expect - send me screaming round the bend - who knows why? I have a short review at the hospital on Thursday - so maybe it will make more sense then - but probably not - - .

I don't feel very energetic and intend to keep off the river for afew days.

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