Saturday 6 October 2012

Images of London in one go - the Tower and a real London bus with a platform at the back.
Wednesday to Friday: I went to London - met Aidan by the Tower and stayed over with him. Then visited Helen; we went on the river back from the Tate Modern (food and drink - not art) to the new pier at Vauxhall. Then to Covent Garden (old stamping ground) on Friday - more eating and drinking.

I was aware of it being much harder to breath - so I walked around quite slowly but still got too tired for comfort. I have the first chemo appointment booked in for Tuesday next week, with a blood test the day before - so I become medicalised again - better than the alternative but it makes me feel gloomy. There are weekly infusions (and blood tests) for three weeks and then a week without one - called a 'rest'!

I am not coping well with this - I feel too gloomy, breathless and tired to do so. But I am intending to go to geology as usual on Monday and to host a meeting here about the U3A web site on Tuesday. I am also trying to catch up with the general admin of life and writing to people.


Sally said...

very sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly. I hope your next load of treatment goes well. V frustrating to find you cant do as much as you would like. I am so impressed with the way you are fighting it. Keep it up. My thoughts are with you

Sally said...
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