8-30PM: Sunday - sea side holiday: train to the beach reminding me of a smaller one that ran in Southsea in the 1950s - yea - I was a child then. Walked along the beach and through the woods, which reminded me of the beaches in Fife - Tentsmuir forest and beach - in the 1970s and '80s. Walked back watching the tide go out and the surf over the bar. Very sunny: very windy: very cold. Grossed out in the cockpit for the rest of the day - and said goodbye to various people I have met here. Wells is now very empty - with the end of the school holiday - but the sun shines - -
I continue to feel strangely uneasy at staying so long - guilt at it being so pleasant and sunny - and safe. I have sheets of tidal calculations suggesting that I cannot get easily on the tide to Lowestoft until the end of the week. The weather forecast is for strong NE winds - which will be hard work - so maybe this is the calm before an effort.
sounds great to me. If you want something else to do have a listen to my brothers play - iplayer for the next seven days
enjoying the trains of thought x
Hi Lorna, don't worry, enjoy the chill! We don't think you are reading your comments, or your emails. If you read this then peg a teatowel to your forestay and we will see it on the webcam!
Love Jo and Nicky
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